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DistractOff stops impulsive procrastination with this Chrome extension

If you’re anything like me, it takes a lot of self-control to stay on task. There’s Facebook, Twitter, Product Hunt, and other sites that I could potentially get distracted on. Luckily, DistractOff is a new Chrome extension with the implicit goal of stopping impulsive procrastination.

The app is easy to install, and the setup takes mere seconds to block a site. If the site you procrastinate on turns into a useful tool there’s a prompt that’ll ask whether it’s a distraction or helpful. If you encounter a site that is becoming a distraction you can only add the site to the block list with one click of a button.While everything is easy, you’ll need a certain level of self-control not to bypass the blocks.


The other apps that’ll help you get to work and off social media aren’t as easy to use or require you to install an app on your Mac or PC. Other than using an app to stop distractions you could block websites from a router or host files that make going t the site extremely stressful.

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