E3 will sell tickets to the public this year

Ever wanted to attend E3? Traditionally only “insiders” like gaming journalist or content creators would go to the convention. Everyone else was left to watching live streams, videos, and reading about the coverage from the event. It’s the same way other conferences like CES, SXSW, and Web Summit all work the same way. E3 2017 is going to be different. They’re going to sell tickets, consumer passes, to the general public.

It’ll be the first time a convention of this scale and reputation will open it’s doors to the public as the press and content creators are all working. While the gaming studios want fans to play their games and get their feedback; journalist will be on the floor are shooting videos and interviewing developers for their respective outlets. To see the public and press mix is going to be interesting, to say the least.

E3 Consumer Passes will start at $150 if you’re fast

There are 15,000 tickets available to the public. Starting on February 13 the first 1,000 tickets will cost $150 during the early bird period. After that, the other 14,000 tickets will cost $250 on E3’s website. The cost is low considering events of these types typically cost $1,000 or more for industry attendees. According to Polygon, ESA officials are encouraging online personalities like Twitch streamers to register as media this year. The push for more media registration will force ESA officials to vet the media outlets, personalities, and content creators more closely.

There are also special benefits for the ticket holders, but it’s unclear what those benefits are. The consumer passes won’t have any restrictions on where you can go, but press conferences will likely be off limits.

E3 is quickly approaching, starting June 13-15 in Los Angeles. We’ll see dozens of announcements from Microsoft, Playstation, Ubisoft, and other game developers on games and advancements on hardware and software.

Tell us in the comments below if you’re going to buy tickets to the event this year? We’re going to apply for media passes and see how everything goes after SXSW.


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