Find every Facebook recipe in once place with Teeny Recipes

I use Facebook for connecting with old friends, messaging brands, and finding recipes for dinner. Personally, I can fall into a hole for hours on end just by looking at recipes from dozens of different pages. It’s not that I like the page or even particularly enjoy cooking, but the recipes and videos make cooking look easy. I’m watching the videos at odd times, but there’s no easy way to find or search for these videos, until now; Teeny Recipes is a fun and useful site where you can search for and filter recipes from Facebook.

The site lets you search with emojis for #chicken, #bannana, #noodles, and handful of other emojis. There’s also hundreds of other hashtags that let you easily search Facebook’s massive amount of Facebook video recipes.

It makes finding a recipe for dinner a breeze, but also lets you lose yourself in the glory of these short videos. Tell us in the comments below if you love these recipe videos on Facebook or if you find your recipes another way!


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