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GitHub introduces Trello like project management

Trello is the leading project management service around rivaled by Asana, Taskboard, self-hosted options, and now GitHub. While GitHub’s new project management service is primitive in contrast to Trello’s options, but they’re a still a good middle ground for anyone managing a project solely on GitHub.

The project management looks like a direct rift of Trello, which as GitHub integration. The service uses a card style layout with columns to organize the projects. The similarity in design could stem from the two projects being based on Kanban.


The idea allows developers to have a public roadmap where you can plan and manage updates to the service. In our use case, we have a board open for Devnews where we track code changes, but we still have a Trello board to track smaller changes that wouldn’t fit on the GitHub board.

As I said above, GitHub projects aren’t as full featured as Trello, but it’ll help keep track of those repo’s that have a number of contributors, new ideas, and updates in progress.

Tell us in the comments below what you think about GitHub Projects, and if you’ll start using the project management tools over Trello’s.

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