The “L” throw technique will literally catch ’em all

Pokémon Go is still the most popular app right now. We’ve written plenty of articles about different cases and tricks to the best trainer of all. We have something new to share with you that will help you catch ’em all, but with style too. The Simple “L” trick is really simple to achieve.

You just drag your Pokeball to the bottom left the corner of your screen, then slide up to the Pokémons height level and release. The technique can be used with normal throws and curveballs. You simply give your Pokeball the curve while you’re dragging the ball to the corner of your screen. It’s a pretty sweet trick for all of you trainers out there. If you want to catch more Pokémon or just have another cool way to catch ’em all.

Do you still play Pokémon Go? What tips and tricks do you have? Let us know in the comments down below!


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