Listen with us: Buffer CultureLab Podcast

Buffer is a social media management tool for business, social media managers, and anyone with multiple accounts. They’ve become popular for dropping offices and opting for distributed and completely remote team. There remote work and policy of complete transparency about employee pay, benefits, and other company info has gained them a lot of attention from startups who keep secrets about everything. The company has launched a podcast called CultureLab where they’ll talk about how they “deeply explore the culture of work—how all of us, together, might make work happier and more human.”

The podcast hosted by @courtneyseiter and @CaroKopp from Buffer. The podcast is going to reflect on how the companies cultural has made them successful, along with how their experiments taught them lessons.

“In every episode we’ll humbly share some of our experiments and lessons learned at Buffer, and then turn it over to a new guest (or guests) to talk about everything from how many exclamation points you can use in a work email (short answer: it depends) to why a diverse team comes up with more creative solutions to challenges.”

The podcast is a great listen if you’re interested in startups and how their culture shapes the companies employees. In one of the episodes the host talk with Trello employees who work both remotely and have a physical HQ.

I hope to hear more amazing episodes from the Buffer team. Tell us in the comments below what you think about the Buffer podcast and don’t forget to tell them we sent you!


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