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Facebook Instant Articles are now open to all publishers

Facebook promised in February they’d open up Instant Articles to every web publisher, and following today’s F8 conference keynote they did just that. The Instant Article platform is open to any web publishers wanting to take advantage of the feature.

Facebook Instant Articles

Instant Articles are read 20% more, have 70% better retention, and are shared 30% more often than regular articles. These articles are not only making the web a faster place for better or worse, but users also love them. They’re also keeping you within Facebook, so you don’t have to launch a browser or worry about the load times of extra ads or junk.

If you’re an online publisher or write anything online, you’re now able to publish to Instant Articles. Expect Instant Articles to become more prevalent across the social media network.

Tell us in the comments below if you’re excited to see more Instant Articles on Facebook, or if you think it’s bad news for the web and publishers in general.

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