Top 3 Places you can Learn To Code

With more and more coding schools popping up out of nowhere costing thousands of dollars a year to attend, Going online at your pace tends to be a lot more affordable and convenient for most. Here are our Top 3 Places you can Learn To Code












Learning to code is challenging. Especially if you have trouble reading thoroughly documentation or books piled high with unfamiliar terms and not enough “Hands On” examples. That’s where Treehouse excels. They help teach their students through hands-on video lessons with real-time coding. Whatever project you’re working on their right there with you in the video. They also have different tracks set out for which Career or Track you want to set out on. It’s a roadmap that will help you go from zero knowledge to career ready within a couple of months.


Code School


Code School is another great resource. Like Treehouse, it is a membership based curriculum but a lot cheaper than conventional coding schools. They provide courses in different languages like HTML/CSS, Javascript, and iOS. Worth checking out if you want to get serious on your coding path.


Ray Wenderlich (Free)



As a free resource, This is ideal for beginners just testing the waters. The tutorials are fantastic. Showing you step by step how to code apps for iOS. He gives you code Examples, Thorough Explanations, and Resources to take your knowledge further. You can go from making simple calculator apps to Spritekit games to play on your device. Great resource if you’re looking to dive into iOS.



These are all great resources. I recommend them all to those looking to code. If you’re looking to build a career out of coding, Don’t be afraid to try these out. Do you like to code? What resources do you recommend? Let us know down below!


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