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Google wants to add ‘Buy Buttons’ to search results

According to reports Google wants to place buy buttons and sell products directly from their sites. The buttons would appear alongside paid search results on mobile in the “Shop on Google” section, starting with a few searches.

Google would have all the product pages host on their sites, with all the payments being processed through them. They don’t plan on taking any cuts. Instead this move is to make users experience more fluid and place more trust in their searches. As of now users find a product through Google search then are directed to a third-party retailer who could or couldn’t be trust worthy.

The plan would cut down on the amount of clicks it takes to buy something, and make shopping on the internet more trust worthy. The ‘buy button’ will start appearing on a small percent of search pages at first with a wider roll out once the testing is done. One retailer rumored to work with these new buy buttons would be Macy who sells just any everything and anything.

Tell us if you would be more willing to buy something if all your data was kept within Google’s ecosystem, but shipping from a third-party like Macy in the comments below!

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