Buy Items On Amazon with #AmazonCart on Twitter

A lot of brands are Twitter, and many Tweet about their products then link to buy their products on Amazon. Now Amazon and Twitter are working together to let users add products like video games to their cart by replying to brands tweets. First off, you’ll need connect your Twitter and Amazon accounts from your social settings page.

A simple reply to a tweet with #AmazonCart will add a product to your Amazon cart. Though the process is simple, it’s not going to enable an impulse-buy from everyone’s favorite impulse-post social network, as you’ll still have to navigate to your cart and checkout on the Amazon website or app.


The feature is working now in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Now the question is:  how many people really want to tweet out what they plan on purchasing? Maybe more than you think. After all, on Twitter many people  jump to share every single thing they are doing anyway, so tweeting a purchase such as video game won’t make people think twice. The people using the service will be buying things they wouldn’t be embarrassed going to Target and purchasing. Whether or not  the feature takes off this is free advertising for new brands who will get to see which people are buying their products. On the flip side Twitter, will get to make better targeted ads for users based on what they purchase.


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