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Tech That Will Make You a Sammich’

Are you a terrible cook? Are you too lazy to follow new recipes? Are you a lover of technology? Or even all of the preceding? Well German appliance company Miele has the product for you. An oven that teachesĀ you to cook.

Miele recently introduced a new line of luxury ovens that can turn any person into a supreme chef. This line is the Miele Generation 6000. The luxury derives from the meshing of a tablet, a computer, and an oven. This line of kitchen appliance not only cooks your food, but it does so with a large touch-screen and a computer programmed with recipes and instructions. The Miele Generation 6000 MasterChef + program gives responsive recipes, baking times, pre-heat settings, step-by-step cooking instructions: and even a built in waterline to add moisture to the food mid-cook. Not only does Miele revolutionize the mechanics of the common oven appliance, it re-thinks beauty in the kitchen with the variety of colors: jet white, shining chrome, and chocolate brown.

Miele is inspiring the market of kitchen appliances to strive for the stars. Ovens do not need to be boring pieces of machinery that bring us our beloved Thanksgiving meals, rather they should be designed and treated as any other electronic: a luxury and an envious piece of art. Miele may be appealing to the wealthy here, but they indeed present an interesting artifact to today’s tech industry by encouraging companies to push forward and innovate. What will be the next innovation cooked up by appliance manufacturers, baking us into the future of technology?

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