Mailbox now available on Android and OS X

Mailbox which is a gesture based iOS email client has finally found its way over to Android and onto the desktop on OS X. Dropbox purchased the mail client which promised to change email into something more like texting, and this cross platform push is the first major update since the company was bought. Though Mailbox has smart algorithms to  know when you want to archive a message or want to reply immediately, it hasn’t made many jump from their default mail client.

The mail client is easy and intuitive to use, but Gmail, Yahoo, and other popular service took notice and simplified their mobile and web versions of their email services. The client only supports iCloud and Gmail accounts currently, but Dropbox promises support for other email accounts. If you have a lot of chain email from the office Mailbox would be a perfect fit because it allows you to snooze the message once the important information is done.

Dropbox also announced that Mailbox would make its way to the desktop on OS X, and  the early screenshots look amazing! The desktop client employees the same simple design as on mobile, and uses gestures through the trackpad to mick features on the phone.

If you want to change the way you handle email, and possibly get a handle on the overwhelming amount in your inbox Mailbox is a great way to start.  Mailbox is on the iPhone, iPad, Android, and OS X. The desktop version is still in beta but you can sign up to start beta testing it. Tell us if you’ve used Mailbox on iOS and if you liked it or stuck with Gmail/iCloud default apps.


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