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This online tool uses big data to predict the future

Internet users leave behind a trail of a stagger 2.5 billion gigabytes of data each day. I went and checked my usage, and I use over 500 GB of data a month alone. All this data is from uploading videos, sharing photos, tweeting, Facebooking, and much more. The data I and millions of internet users generate give a glimpse into our habits, lives, and can be harnessed to predict what we like and how long we’ll live.

Predictive World is an online tool combining big data, demographics information, and personalized data to give a disturbingly accurate look into your life and the future of your life. The tool is a collaboration between video game Watch Dogs 2, which was recently released and has been receiving glowing reviews,  the University of Cambridge.


The tool needed a little tweaking on some data it incorrectly guessed, but once I adjusted the settings I was given a glimpse into my future – I’ll live to be 78.7 years old, I have a risk of 16.8% of smoking marijuana, and I have a risk of 0.114% of dying this year.

The alarming theme around the tool is privacy and online security. We give everyone our data, and from that, they’re able to derive massive amounts of information from us – down to where we live and our social and political views.

Tell us in the comments below what you think of the tool, and maybe share how long you’ll live!

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