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Twitter for iOS 8 Update Brings New Profiles

Have you come to dislike the current Twitter profiles or want to interact with Tweets right from the notification area? Twitter’s update for iOS 8 has brought a new profile design that features your bio, Tweets, pictures, and favorites right front and center. The new profiles are snazzy and feature a wealth of information from a persons bio. The separated timelines for images/gifs, favorites, and tweets allow you to easily navigate a person’s profile.

This new profile will show up for both iOS 7 and iOS 8 users, so you can already enjoy it even if you don’t want to delete apps and make room for Apple’s new mobile platform just yet. The interactive notifications are limited to iOS 8 but we would recommend downloading the update soon. Twitter didn’t mention if Twitter for Android would be getting this update, but with all the buzz around the iPhone. Tell us what you think about the new Twitter update along with the interactive notifications that Twitter now supports in the comments below.

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